It seemed too good to be true - and it was. Someone wanted to buy our house and we had found the lot of our dreams. We had a builder, a buyer, house plans and a great location. Even the timing was perfect! The sale of our house would complete on May 28th, but our buyers were renters and happy to rent our house back to us until August 15th. Our builder was confident our new house would be done by then. I made my first mistake - I started to get my hopes up.
We closed on the house as scheduled, and that night we celebrated. We sold our house! After more than a year of trying! And we would be building our dream house! The joy lasted the weekend.
The next week, days before we were to close on our new lot, my husband called me from work. "There's a problem," he said. "The town won't let us build." The land owner had done something which precluded the land from being built on. So there we were, already on a tight deadline, with our dream snatched away. That was the beginning of a month of complete panic, worry, fear, and chaos. Where would we live? Could we find another lot we loved a much as the first one? Would we have to give up our dream of building a home and buy one instead? Which town would we end up living in? Where would the kids go to school?
A month later, we still have many unanswered questions. We do, however, THINK we have a lot. The closing date is coming up this week, so we still fear something could go wrong. But (fingers crossed) if it works, it will be wonderful. It's a big, beautiful lot in a great town. However, since it is now July, we clearly won't have a house by August 15th. So where will we go? That is the question that wakes me at 3am.
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